How to Create Great Social Media Content for your Hotel


In 2018, it is estimated that there will be approximately 2.7 billion social network users across the globe, up from 1.9 billion in 2014. That represents a huge audience for hotel marketers, who will no doubt already be busy Facebooking, Tweeting and posting photos to Instagram as they attempt to engage with would-be guests.

However, knowing what content to post every time you log in can be potentially tricky. How can you ensure you’re presenting a positive message to your followers while also keeping your eyes on the ultimate prize of boosting revenue? Here are a few simple tips that you can keep in mind when you’re drawing up your social media marketing strategy.

1.    Right content, right platformIt’s essential to keep context in mind when you’re creating content, as something that’s suitable for Twitter isn’t necessarily going to work on Facebook – and definitely won’t work on Pinterest. You can post longer items on Facebook, but images that tell stories are necessary for sites that rely on photo-sharing. That does mean coming up with separate posts, but the boost in engagement should be worth it in the end.

2.    Don’t be too salesy Everyone has seen brands that only post adverts on hotel social media and it actually has the opposite effect of what they no doubt intend – people are put off by content that is simply demanding. Social media users go online to be entertained and to communicate with brands, so do this for them rather than ramming your special offers down their throats as soon as they reach their news feeds.

3.    Be concise Writing for the internet is a different skill to writing for brochures – readers are pushed for time and will scan-read rather than get really in depth with anything, so don’t be tempted to publish your best essays on your social media pages. Instead, keep it concise and to the point.

4.    Don’t interrupt people’s day Marketing used to be all about catching people’s attention, but this is no longer the case. You want your hotel to become part of your followers’ day, not an interruption as they go about trying to read tweets or even browse for holiday destinations. You therefore need to create content that directly engages them and that they want to take a look at, not just close right away.

5.    Keep your brand in mind You may not be able to dedicate one individual to managing your social media posts, particularly if you only run a small hotel, but it’s important that anyone who will be posting content online has been trained in how to maintain your brand’s image. This means maintaining a consistent tone and speaking in a way that relates to your audience. Don’t, for example, post something that celebrates youth culture and speaks in slang if your previous writer has been addressing business people or older couples.

If you’re inconsistent, confusion can ensue and it can lead to followers thinking you’re unprofessional. We have talked about social media planning in the past and will do again, but by following these quick tips, you should ensure that you already have a good strategy in place to make a start on Twitter, Pinterest or wherever else you want a presence.