How to choose great photos for your hotel website


The days when websites were dominated by long reams of text are long gone – and for good reason. Sites with photographs are much more exciting to look at, plus they’re instantly more engaging for potential customers and readers. Research shows that images are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text, proving that humans are visual creatures. If you own or operate a hotel, including pictures on your website is crucial when it comes to standing out from the competition.

However, it isn’t enough to just plonk any old snapshot on there and hope for the best -you have to choose photos carefully to ensure maximum appeal. Here are a few tips:

Choose quality photos

Low-resolution, blurry images will make people think you might be running a low-quality property, so don’t take a few snapshots with your phone and set them live. Instead, take time to ensure they’re high-res, high-pixel and will upload properly. You might want to consider hiring a professional if photography isn’t your forte.

Don’t go for stock images

Although image libraries are handy, they can result in the same old pictures doing the rounds and a multitude of websites. To avoid this, always ensure your images are unique to your property.

Make them represent your brand

You wouldn’t put out an inappropriate tweet or blog post, so don’t do it with photos. Always ensure the message behind the image is brand-relevant and emphasises the reputation you want to achieve in a positive way.

Include people

Humans are programmed to respond to the faces of other people, so include past hotel guests and staff in your photographs – just make sure they’re appropriately dressed and smiling! This can have the persuasive effect of increasing conversions by encouraging bookings.

Make them emotional

Web users are more likely to respond to an image (and therefore book a stay with your hotel) if it resonates with them in some way, so aim to pull at their heart-strings. If your hotel is fortunate enough to be located in a place with a beautiful sunset, photograph it and then publish it to make people desperate to be there.

Taking the time to select the right pictures for your brand and website can make all the difference in showing off that you run a quality property and can offer guests the stay of a lifetime, so make it part of your marketing must-dos.