Be a part of the online booking revolution

Book hotel

Online bookings were once a novelty, back in an age when the way to secure a hotel room involved picking up a phone with a manual dial. But now, they are so central to the business that this has become a key area of competition.

Quite simply, the growth of bookings through online channels is only going to head in one direction, as the younger generation uses digital means to shop, communicate and do so much else as naturally as breathing. In addition to that, of course, even many older adults will be down with the kids and will have recognised the convenience the internet offers.

A site that works

However, while booking online is more prominent, do not simply assume your hotel just has to offer an online booking service to bring the guests rolling in. Of course, this function certainly helps and it is vital to make sure it is tested and works. Nothing is worse than someone wanting to book a stay with you but opting to go elsewhere when the system breaks down. Indeed, it is also important to make sure the site is easily navigable, so people know exactly where to click to book. Don’t hide this in your efforts to fill your home page with pretty pictures and nice testimonials.

Your website is a sales point

That said, it is important that your website does the job of selling your hotel and its services well. The site does need to be well designed, so take your time on this and engage with a specialist who can make it look seriously good. It is a fact that around half of visits to a hotel website lead to bookings and while some may log on with the express intent of doing so, a more enticing web page could help those who are just browsing to take a closer look. If they like what they see, there is a great chance they’ll be on your doorstep with a suitcase soon.

Top tips

Finally, consider a few extra things you can do. Search engine optimisation and great content is a good way of bringing people in through Google searches. It is also worth considering discounts for online or early bookings to nudge potential guests into booking, rather than browsing elsewhere and potentially staying with someone else. Finally, capture email details of those who do book online – and make sure you email them news of special offers and events in the future to keep them coming back.