How Joint Marketing Can Leverage Marketing Efforts

Joint marketing

Travelling is undoubtedly up there as one of the most stressful things that someone can experience, especially if more than one form of transport, different languages and transfers to destinations are involved. Having to remember more than one ticket, ensuring you have the correct documentation and clarifying that there is enough time to make any connections can sometimes take away from the fun and excitement of travelling.

However, it seems as though there is a way in which this can be made simpler so that a customer’s experience is enhanced and that the only thing they need to really worry about is making sure their passport is up to date. British Airways, Britain’s largest airline, has joined forces with Heathrow Express and First Great Western in a new partnership that will see customers in Wales and the west of England receive a single booking which combines their rail and air travel.

There is no doubt that this will make international journeys so much easier and since December 5th 2014, the single booking tickets have been available to book either through First Great Western’s eleven stations or travel agents. This means that customers who are travelling from Bath to New York, for example, can make the whole journey with one single ticket and booking. What’s more, those who are travelling on a British Airways flight departing from Heathrow’s Terminal 5 or Terminal 3 and begin their journey on the Heathrow Express from Paddington (which departs every 15 minutes), will find that this leg of the journey is included within the cost of the ticket.

This new partnership will also alleviate the stress of worrying about what will happen if they are late for a flight because of a delayed train, as they will be offered the next flight, or overnight accommodation if the next service isn’t until the day after. Head of UK&I sales and marketing at British Airways Stephen Humphreys said: “Our partnership with First Great Western and Heathrow Express will make flying more accessible and convenient for customers travelling from regions in the UK without local airports.”By creating such a partnership, British Airways along with the Heathrow Express and First Great Western, is undeniably enhancing their digital marketing efforts with this positive and useful feature.

By making travelling much easier and accessible, as well as safe for those worried about missing a transfer, those who are planning a holiday are likely to want to take advantage of such an easy service.