Redecorate with Instagram in mind


The arrival of the world wide web in the 1990s began a revolution in communications that may turn out to still be only in its early stages. While many hotels responded by creating their own web pages and online booking services, that was just the start. In recent years the development of social media has brought more channels of communication, more ways of interacting with others and therefore increased opportunities – and threats.

Instagram is a case in point. Its focus on visual images means that it can be a conduit for good or bad fortune for any hotel. If someone decides to post a few pictures of your establishment that make it look unattractive, that is sure to act as a deterrent to some potential customers. This is particularly true on a peer-to-peer basis, as friends will often make booking decisions based on the anecdotes of friends and family about where to go – and also what to avoid. The flip side is that positive images on Instagram can attract more custom, and that is an area in which hotels can be pro-active, particularly when redesigning their interiors. As eHotelier notes, a number of steps can be taken to make your decor look fantastic – and by then posting it on Instagram, you can show off an attractive hotel to the world. The site suggest several main areas in which hotels can make an impact.

The first is through having a sense of luxury created by some attractive accessories. Thick, cosy carpets, huggable cushions, fine curtains and seats you can sink back into with no intention of getting up again for hours are the sort of thing that works.

 Secondly, the site suggests good lighting. This makes everything look bright and friendly, which is just what you want unless your USP is being a haunted hotel. If your redesign can enlarge windows to let in more sunshine, so much the better, while light fittings that look like art can also help.

Thirdly, a bit of eclecticism works well, with some curious and unique items that will attract interested guests. After all, don’t forget these will not just appear on your Instagram page. They need to be things others will want to take pictures of. Other suggestions included themed rooms, a hint of nature indoors, spa-like bathroom features and a lot of variation and experimentation with different colours and textures. Indeed, such steps may do more than ensure great images of your hotel appear on Instagram. They may just make your hotel a comfortable, interesting and fun place to stay – ensuring those who do come will soon be back.